Sunday, December 11, 2011


Ever feel like your life is on a movie set,
cameras rolling
and you're the main character?

or do you feel like the invisible one,
just another person in the crowd?

its amazing how our personalities develop
and makes us who we are today.

we fall under one of those two categories
but I guess it all depends on how established your "self esteem" is.

Believe it or not,
when we were much younger,
when we were naive
and we saw the world as beautiful and innocent,
we all developed the same way (normal development that is)
our pre-operational stages or what not, we all believed we were invincible.
we were all EGOCENTRIC

that belief still lingers in some adults these days,
and I believe that egocentrism is what brought them to be someone GREAT.
self esteem. self motivators, self- doers.
these are the people I respect.
I honor them, because they DON"T WASTE THEIR LIFE

every moment I feel like i waste my life.. I just want to kill myself..

its like HI I"M SHARON,
now what am I doing?

I feel it ... inside of me.. something GREAT is about to happen..
I don't know when... but I feel it coming..
because I CHOOSE never to give up..
on faith.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Who am I? Who are you?

It's amazing how we are given one life,
and we can choose to be anybody at any given time.

we may not be able to change our circumstances,
but we can push towards "change"
much greatness comes with a change in yourself.

all my values, views, morals, etc..
comes down to what I CHOSE.

I live with it, I stick with it..
and that is what sets me apart from you .. from them...

but at any given moment, I can change..
I can hate the things I once loved
and love the things I once hated..

but that's life right?

New york was such an amazing "change" for me...
its actually something that I needed..
I don't know if its my escape place yet, but it taught me that
california is not where I ever want to be.

In order to be completely myself, and find myself
I need to keep following my dreams
my hopes
my heart...

once I do that, I know I will lose myself
because I will get caught up in my new life..
but the amazing part is, I need to lose my old self
to find the "better" me.

its there, but now its my time to just come out and be a NEW YORKER. :)