Monday, January 31, 2011


I was listening to a friend tell me how naive I am when it comes to falling in love.
I am always giddy and excited about being in a relationship-
and though many have failed, I still act like a kid.

Others use their heartache against them
never learning
but always guarding.

see the thing is.. relationships happen.. they come and go..
it really is all chance.

If you don't risk it..
how will u find it..

just cuz one didn't work or even 20..
it just shows mr. right just hasn't shown up yet..
because when he does, you will know- plus.., there will be no games, and u won't be tired..

if ur tired in ur relationship from working too hard to keep it going- WHY? Just quit it.
love is easy, life is hard.. love makes life easier. yay.

so i like being giddy..
I won't ever stop..

I'm more in love with love than the guy HAHA..
so when the guys think i'm so in LOVE with them..
its sort of funny..

I'm very content to be single..
so when I am in a relationship, I'm also not afraid to be all of me, and give all of me.:P

1 comment:

  1. i agree with your pov that if it's the right relationship it shouldn't be hard, or tiring, or have to keep on working at it
    however, no matter what, i really believe the hype of love fades, b/c... it's a hype
    and then i think that's when ACTUAL love kicks in, b/c if it still works when there's no more fuzzy *see stars* giddiness, through better and worst, then that's the person worth sticking with, yea?
