Sunday, January 16, 2011

so emo

I am so emotional at times..
its like.. I act .. "irrational"
I hate that side of me..
its annoying and I always tell myself.. "shut up" gahhh


I am talking specifically about girls in relationships..
guys are so passive
and girls are so...
touchy touchy with feelings

I hate it, but I overly do it!

when my boyfriend talks..
i say "SO YOU MEAN... " etc..
and I get mad.. at my own non sensical sayings
lol.. its beyond ridiculous ..seriously.
STOPPPPP.. i'm asking for a ruined relationship..


My dad says i'm way too emotional..
he thinks i get sad a lot
and my sister calls me "sensitive"

these are qualities I DON"T want..
and need to LEARN to just STOP

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