Saturday, March 27, 2010

Fickle bean

Ok. Fickle me. Fickle bean.
I would consider these words to be attributed to me but if YOU really think about it, I think I am just passionate, lol.

I have been known to have a knack for seeing other people's talents and placing them in the best career/ path in life. Taking into account personality traits, habits, and ability (skills), I can easily see a person's talents. I can do that for nearly anyyone that I choose to observe or get to know but I CAN"T do it to myself. sad.

So these days I have been extremely focused on pursuing a career in Occupational therapy. I have talked myself into believing it is good for me and it is RIGHT for me based on my interest and passion. But as I get closer to the ultimate goal, for some reason, I feel like I can push myself to do more. Yes, I have talked about all these things I have wanted to do numerous times and you're probably thinking, ugh sharon just FREAKIN decide. But I can't. Even though I am so close, I am so far. And with that kind of mentality I make room to squish in some other career choice because a little voice inside my head tells me ITS NOT TOO LATE! *sigh*

So these are the careers I have been considering STRONGLY based on everything that I truly TRULY love and am passionate about:
1) dietician
2) interior designer
3) physician assistant
4) occupational therapist
5) entrepreneur- My own tea cafe

These top five careers- OMG I would love to do ALL OF IT at once. Is that even possible? It would be seriously amazing if I could be all 5 things but AH the limits of humans. I have laid out a road map on how to achieve each of these careers so now I gotta choose the ONE that will truly TRULY make me happy -_-. and the one that I am willing to sacrifice my life for. Help?

1 comment:

  1. i hope you decide llama bean~ i don't think anyone can help you at this point... cept yourself. :/
