Sunday, June 5, 2011

My style

Everyone approaches life in very different ways
When a conflict occurs,
some people think and approach it in the most rational way possible
others, they take it to the extreme and fall into utter depression.

It is a constant learning process that most of us take years to learn
or its a simple matter of just moving on.

I never knew my "style"
until people that knew me a lot
would mention
"oh, you know u always do this..?"
and I say.. uh?.. really?
its really interesting actually.

Just talking to my dad-
he would say
'i'm too adamant about what I want, and I get really sad because there may be possible complications"
he said the only reason "family" can tolerate this... "flaw" of mine, is because they are the only one that aren't affected by it-
they know my heart and I know theirs
but when it comes to strangers- their tolerance is a lot lower and they fail to understand me.. Hopefully one day..
I will understand who I am-
but for now... I am still so immature
and my approach to life is still in the "negative" area..

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